Czech Puppy


What is Czech Puppy?

Czech Puppy Contest, formerly Mr. Puppy Czech Republic, is a community election of a representative of the dog community, who is then the holder of the title Czech Puppy for the following year. The titleholder usually represents the Czech dog-play community, inspires it, organizes events or projects.


Right now, the preround is running!

Only members of Jsem-Pes can vote.


Buy the tickets, book your seats

Weekend Pass obsahuje vstup na všechny placené akce za výhodnější cenu
Registrační formulář & merch registrace na neplacené akce: Psí venčení a Nedělní oddych
rezervace merche: trika, vaky, ponožky, pexeso
0 CZK (~0 EUR) Fill out the form
The Pop Up! vstupné na akci a navíc malé občerstvení
490 CZK (~20 EUR) Buy a ticket
Unleashed vstupné na akci a navíc šatna a welcome drink
100 CZK (~4 EUR) Buy a ticket
Volební večer vstupné na akci a navíc šatna a raut
490 CZK (~20 EUR) Buy a ticket


Merch! Merch! Merch!

Useful info

Information for travelers

Running election

Czech Puppy 2025

Čt 21. 11. - Ne 24. 11. 2024

General partners

GayMegaStore Hari's Wood

Sponsors and partners

Klub Kotelna Heaven Jsem-Pes Puppy Media Puppy Calendar Zvířecí Zpravodaj